Read the Preface to this book, plus more poem excerpts on VK Westcott’s Book page.

VK Westcott says, “If one fellow seeker is inspired by my poems to live a deeper and stronger life in the Lord Jesus Christ, this part of my life’s race has been a success.”

New Book of Uplifting Rhyming Poems by VK Westcott

I Love You would be my answer

Lift your heart up to the Lord and receive his blessings!

Touching, inspiring, and joyful rhyming poems to energize your walk with Jesus.

These four-line poems contain messages of hope to enhance your prayer and worship. Reminders of God’s will and his ways. Expressions of our thankfulness for the Lords saving grace. Plus, words of caution for those who have yet to commit themselves fully to Jesus Christ.

Here are two poems from the book:

I got tangled in Satan’s tree
a web of lies formed over me
they held me tight I could not breathe
I cried for help and Jesus heard me

♦ ♦ ♦

How we long for you O Lord
to stand upon Mount Zion
where we shall see you in victory
transformed from lamb to lion

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Feature Article by VK Westcott

The Name “Jerusalem” Reveals our Eternal Destiny

God could have picked any name for our future home here on earth. But he chose New Jerusalem. Why? The history of the earthly city of Jerusalem is not the point of this article. What follows is much more profound. God names things he creates for what they are. What does “Jerusalem” mean exactly?

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Being with Jesus is the best place on earth!

Jesus Was Standing At the Foot of My Bed

One January night, Jesus stood at the foot of my bed. That vision had three parts. First, my death. What it was like to die. Then, Jesus appears glorious like the sun — literally. Third, resurrection. I saw a dead man brought back to life and raised from the dead.

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Armor of God — Why Should I Wear It?

When I put on the armor of God what am I protecting myself from? Paul says it’s not flesh and blood that we are fighting, but powers of darkness in this world. Spiritual wickedness in high places. How can we identify the behavior of such entities and defeat them?

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The Holy Spirit is the soul mate you have been seeking!!

More Poems from the Book

We can endure more than we think

push ourselves to the brink

all for his peace all for his glory

the love of God is our life’s story

The Lord dried my tears

the Lord calmed my cries

he even held me in his arms

across the gulf of time

Joy is a fountain

gushing from your heart

the Holy Spirit lives there

which sets believers apart

New Articles

What are the First Questions?

Do you know what the first question asked in the Old Testament is? How about the first question in the New Testament? The answers to both those questions will amaze you. Their combined answer reveals to us a great insight as to who our God truly is and what lies ahead in his future plans for humanity.

The Seekers Prayer from Colossians to Recite

Paul's powerful prayer itemizes the incredible riches Jesus has promised us. The amazing characteristics of who Christ truly is. Then Paul finishes with a description of our glorious redemption that awaits believers for our faithful patience in the Lord. From Colossians 1:9-22, let us pray...

First Darkness then Light

Jesus at his betrayal in the garden was given over to men at night, in the darkness. Jesus, the risen Lord, ascended to God during the day in the light. First darkness, then light. This scenario of darkness followed by light occurs many times in the Bible, starting with Genesis. What could be the reason?

You are Beautiful

In a dream I was searching for expensive antique lamps, candlestick-style. I went to a number of places but didn't find what I was looking for and considered giving up the search. Then, I found a secluded specialty shop. I entered and the people inside were having serious discussions about lamps. I listened with interest but did not participate. Suddenly, I was singled out

New Poems

Sailing Away

Set sail,

new beginnings.

Come aboard mind, heart, soul.

Cut the anchor. Let the Lord be

your wind.

Cinquain – Inspired by Acts 27:40

Full Circle

From Him
I received the gift of life

Through Him
I live

To Him
I go for eternity

That’s what it means to be His

– Inspired by Romans 11:36

No Regrets

Our past is just that—past.
Our future—not yet written.

As time advances toward you,
give your broken heart to Jesus.

That is the one thing—the only thing,
you will never—ever—regret.

About Me

VK Westcott

The relationship between God and man is the main topic of my writing. My goal in communicating this message is twofold:

To turn up a believer’s faith to be more white hot in Christ.
To rouse the tepid non-believer enough to say “yes” to Jesus before they die.

Why is that important?

The time is now. If not now, when?
Can you be so sure this day won’t be your end?

That’s why.

It took me until I was 63 years old. I had a dramatic encounter at that time with the presence of God. Shortly thereafter I said “yes” to Jesus. I don’t recommend waiting that long. I am incredibly grateful that I didn’t die before I was saved. Sadly, other people I knew weren’t so lucky. That was 2018.

I never had an interest in poetry or writing of any kind. To me that was dull and boring. I liked hands on artsy things. Within 6 months of being born again, the Holy Spirit infused me with the ability to write poetry. What? I was shocked.

After reading my daily Bible chapter I would get the urge to write poems about what I read, so I did. Then I began to wake up in the middle of the night with rhyming lines coming to me. I started to keep a stack of index cards and penlight next to my bed to capture them.

Recently, the Holy Spirit urged me to go through the piles of index cards and assemble a group for publishing. I Love You would be my answer is the title of my first book of rhyming poems. The book title comes from a line in one of the included poems. You can read the full Preface to the book on the Book page.

If you already own I Love You would be my answer, leaving a short five star review at Amazon would be awesome. You are so appreciated—thank you very much!

The Lord has also called me to write more in depth from inspirations from the Spirit and Bible study, especially from the letters of Paul to the seven churches and the Gospel of Luke. All Bible quotes are from the King James Version, unless otherwise noted. You will find my latest writings posted under Articles at the top of the homepage.

I hope you enjoy this site. It will be dynamic and changing. I will be posting new articles multiple times a month. New poems and testimonies will be shared as the Spirit moves me. An expanded About Me page will be forth coming that details my born again experience. Additional books are in the works. Feel free to share on social media.

I am compiling a group of powerful recommended videos from people who have enriched my walk in the Lord. This video list will be growing and evolving over time. Please take a look and watch. See Resources > Videos.

Sign up to be notified when new books become available. All profits are donated to organizations assisting persecuted Christians around the world. See Resources > Charities for list.

The Lord has called me to serve my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ by writing for the foreseeable future.

Yours in the Spirit of the Lord,
VK Westcott
