Jesus Was Standing At the Foot of My Bed

One January night, Jesus appeared at the foot of my bed. That vision had three parts. First, my death. What it was like to die. Then, Jesus stood before me glorious like the sun — literally. Third, resurrection. I saw a dead man brought back to life and raised from the dead.

Part 1 — Death

What it’s like to die

It was the middle of the night. I was awake with my eyes closed, relaxed and at peace. I was thinking about our body belonging to the Lord and the implications, which Paul talks about in 1 Corinthians 6:19. The body is the Lord’s temple because we who believe in Jesus are given his Holy Spirit who lives in us. I was breaking that down in my mind. The actual reality of that statement. I thought, since I really did feel his Spirit within me, then yes! I truly did belong to the Lord. Next, I spoke silently, “I affirm consciously to give complete control of my body to the Lord,” and did so right there and then. I let go of everything.

Suddenly, I felt my sense of space “expand.” I recall hearing people speaking to me. They were asking me questions and I was answering them. But I did not see anybody. Then, I felt my lips could no longer move. I still heard their voices. They were still talking to me. I wanted to answer them, but I could not move my mouth or lips to speak. Then the voices faded away.

Part II — Jesus

Like the sun, literally

My spiritual eyes were “open” as I looked straight ahead into the blackness of my physically closed eyes. I was calm, alert and relaxed. Coming out of the center of my visual field, light appeared before me, whiteness. As it came closer, it took the shape of a man. There was a distinctive head, shoulders, and torso, but no specific features because it was so bright. This man was covered like the surface of the sun, literally. The sun close up, where you can see the surface boiling and churning. Throwing out threads of fire and light. That’s how this man looked before me at the foot of my bed.

I was captivated. He was spectacular! But unlike the sun, which looks kind of yellow with reddish and dark areas in pictures, he was the purest white I’ve ever seen. He even had white fiery pieces dancing off of him, like sun flares. My eyes were transfixed. It was incredible! He was there standing still before me, yet completely in motion was his sun-like composition. I knew it was Jesus!

I’ve had visions before and many times the visions pass very quickly. My eyes were darting around, hungry to take him all in before he disappeared. But this vision didn’t leave quickly. I sensed he purposefully lingered awhile and let me marvel at him. And I did! I was spellbound, basking in his magnificence. I was surprised at how relaxed and calm I was. I allowed myself to lay there and marvel, and marvel, and marvel. Finally I couldn’t take it any longer. I was filled with such joy and love. I burst out loudly, “I love you, Jesus!” at the top of my lungs. “Wow,” I thought, “my lips and mouth worked!”

I was so overwhelmed and awestruck. My love for Jesus just exploded out of me. I waited to see what would happen next after my outburst. The white fiery image vanished. Exhilarated now, I kept looking straight ahead. My physical eyes still closed, but spiritual eyes open. Wide open, reeling by what I had just experienced.

I was completely in the dark again. Ready and alert in case there was something else to come. And, there was.

Part III — Resurrection

Brought to life from the grave

Right in front of me a man lying on his back “lit up,” then sat up, stood up, and walked away. I was flabbergasted! I didn’t know anybody was lying before me until that person was “lit up.” By “lit up” I mean energized. A super-fast, fiery white/yellow/red light outlined his body. Whoosh! It quickly flashed around him and through him. He became visible to me. He must have been dead lying in the blackness where I was after Jesus disappeared from the foot of my bed. Then this man was infused with light and life. He was alive and I could see him begin to move. Before there was just blackness. I could see it was a male, human figure. Who then, sat up, stood up, and walked away.

He was initially lying on his back, then swung his legs off the surface he was lying on and he sat up. He sat with his back to me. Then stood up on his feet and walked away. I was able to see his full backside from head to foot as he walked away, towards the left side of my viewing field. Then disappeared.

At that point I was wide eyed and caught in a state of absolute astonishment and wonder. Once his body was viewable, his surroundings I also got a glimpse of. It was dark yet viewable. It seemed to be like a tomb. It was a closed-in space, like a cave. The walls seemed like chiseled rock. He appeared to be lying on a slab, a solid stone slab. When he sat up and his back was towards me, I could not see his lower legs. I believed it to be a man with shoulder length hair. When he stood up, he stood up tall and straight and did so with ease. He was a slender person who walked away normally, like any human would walk, arms swinging and legs moving. He appeared to have a cloth wrapped around his waist that went down to his thighs.

The lighting up of this person was instantaneous. A quick movement of lighted energy that went around, over, and through him making him visible to me. It happened very quickly. Then he immediately went through the motions described above of sitting, standing, and walking away.

“Wow!” I thought. “What an experience!” I laid there, joyful and fully awake. My heart was pounding. Breathless at the incredible scene that had played out before me. It was 4 am. Time to get up. I got a cup of tea and didn’t mention anything to my husband just yet. I wanted to write down this experience to make sure I wouldn’t forget such a blessed moment.

Concluding Thoughts

What do I make of all this? First, I believe I was shown what it was like to die. There was no fear. My physical body just stopped working, but my spirit—the real me—was just fine. I was totally alive and well and continued on living. I was fully conscious of myself and surroundings. I was calm through it all.

Then, I believe I was shown Jesus for who he really is, in his glory state. Matthew 17:2 says, “And [he] was transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun.”

Third, we will be raised, resurrected from the dead. At some future point we will receive new bodies like the resurrected Jesus received. When we view ourselves at that time, it will be like seeing God himself in brilliant glory. Paul captures this moment beautifully in 2 Corinthians 3:18, “But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass [mirror] the glory of the Lord, are changed into the image [likeness] from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.”

What a magnificent future we have to look forward to. — vkw

Vision I received January 23, 2021.

What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? ― 1 Corinthians 6:19

Listing of bible verses where it says the dead shall rise from the dead.


Table of Contents


When you believe in Jesus you have been raised from the dead!

Easily Fooled

We are fooled by lying eyes

easily led by lying lips

That’s why

God’s word is necessary

to separate truth from myth

God could have picked any name for our future home here on earth. But he chose new Jerusalem. Why? The history of the earthly city of Jerusalem is not the point of this article. What follows is much more profound. God names things he creates for what they are. What does Jerusalem mean exactly?
Do you know what the first question asked in the Old Testament is? How about the first question in the New Testament? The answers to both those questions will amaze you. Their combined answer reveals to us a great insight as to who our God truly is and what lies ahead in his future plans for humanity.

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Faith allows you to hear, see and feel the invisible - VK Westcott